Audio Services
Room Micing and mult-channel live recording
I offer an upgrade to your typical portable Zoom recorder with several large diaphragm condenser microphones, Focusrite preamps and digitizer/interface. With the same setup, I can also perform multi-channel recordings of small groups on location. Please contact me to learn more.
Room mic sample
The Music Box Company at the Middle East Corner in Cambridge, MA on 4/13/2015; Josiah Reibstein - Tuba; Tyler Burchfield - Tenor; Sam Dechene - Trumpet; Jacob Baron - Keyboards; Joe Musacchia - Drums
Multi-tracking/overdubbing sample
On New Years of 2013, I was at a party holding a Heineken bottle. As might be expected, I started tapping on the bottle because of my fidgety hands. Then I thought of something funny: if this bottle had 2 holes, it would essentially be an udu! Several weeks later, I went out and bought diamond tipped bits and put some holes in various glass bottles that I had lying around. I was amazed at how similar the sound was to a more traditional udu. This is a recent recording that made (March, 2015) of myself overdubbed with the beer bottle udu that I made 2 years ago.